Telegram apps have received multiple updates simultaneously. These include payment 2.0 for all telegram chats, mini profiles for voice chat and scheduling, new telegram apps for browsers, including many updates. Android users will also get new animation in the update.
Everyone will be able to pay on chat
Telegram has a payment bot since 2017. This allows users to make payments in a safe manner. Now here merchants will be able to accept payment by credit card on any chat. Payment can now be made from any app. It also includes a desktop app. Telegram says that it will not take any commission nor save the payment details.
Voice chat will be scheduled
Another new feature on Telegram is the scheduling of voice chats. Group administrators and channels will now be able to schedule voice chat by entering dates and times. This gives community members time to locate and call their friends.
Change profile photo during chatting
Now you will be able to expand your profile picture and bio during chatting with better ideas. For this you will not need to exit the voice chat window. This feature is called Mini Profile for Voice Chat.
Features like animated stickers, dark mode
Telegram is now adding two new fully-featured Telegram web apps. Both support many features such as animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders. With the new web version, you will instantaneously access your chat on any device - desktop or mobile.