Vivo has launched its new smart phone V21 5G smartphone in India. This phone with 5G support has a 44-megapixel selfie camera, while the 64-megapixel triple rear camera setup is available in the rear side. The MediaTek is equipped with the Dimensity 800U processor. The phone will also get a 4,000mAh powerful battery. We are telling you about this phone.
This smartphone has been launched in only two variants 8GB RAM and 128GB / 256GB storage. The 8GB + 128GB storage variant comes at Rs 29,990, while the 8GB RAM + 256GB storage variant comes at Rs 32,990. You can prebook this phone from today. However, its sale will start from May 6. The phone can be purchased online from Flipkart. This smartphone comes in three colors - Dusk Blue, Sunset Dazzle and Arctic White.
The Vivo V21 5G has a 6.44-inch AMOLED display, which comes with Full HD + resolution, 90Hz refresh rate. It is full HD Plus and has support of 90Hz refresh rate. The phone has a punchhole display and an under display fingerprint scanner.
It has triple rear cameras. Its primary lens is 64 megapixels, the other is an 8 megapixel ultra wide lens and a 2 megapixel depth sensor. This smartphone has a 44-megapixel front camera for selfie. The optical camera stabilization feature has also been provided in the front camera.
The phone has 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of storage. The smartphone has a 4000mAh battery, which comes with 33W fast charging support. According to Vivo, this SmartPon charges 0 to 63 per cent in just 30 minutes.