Samsung has launched the Galaxy M42 5G smartphone in India. This mid-range smartphone will come with Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor. The phone has a 48-megapixel main camera. At the same time, it has a waterdrop style notch amoled display. The phone will also have a powerful battery of 5,000mAh. Customers will be able to buy this phone from Amazon India and Samsung's online stores.
Samsung Galaxy M42 5G Price
Due to the launching offer, you will be able to buy 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant of this smartphone for Rs 19,999 and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant for Rs 21,999. Its sale will start from May 1 on Amazon and the company's official website. The phone has been launched in Prism Dot Black and Prism Dot Gray Color.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy M42 5G
The smartphone runs on Android 11 based One UI 3.1. It has a 6.6-inch HD + Super Amoled Infinity-U display. The phone will get up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB onboard storage with Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor. To increase storage, you will also be able to install a 1TB micro SD card.
Talking about the camera, the quad-rear camera has been setup in it. 48-megapixel GM2 primary sensor, 8-megapixel ultra-wide angle, 5-megapixel macro sensor and 5-megapixel depth sensor. It will get camera features like single take, night mode, hyperlapse, super-slow motion, scene optimizer and flow detection. Has a 20-megapixel camera for selfie.
The Samsung Galaxy M42 5G will get a 5,000mAh battery, which supports 15W fast charging. The company claims that it provides 36 hours of talk time, 22 hours of internet browsing and 34 hours of video playback backup in a single charge. It will also get NFC feature, which supports Samsung Pay.